While porcelain veneers will help to reinforce the teeth to which they are bonded, they should be considered a primarily cosmetic treatment. Therefore, they should not be placed on teeth that have sustained more than simply cosmetic damage. For example, if a tooth has been fractured to the point that it requires root canal therapy, a porcelain veneer is not a good treatment option; however, if the fracture affects only the protective enamel layer of a tooth (i.e., a craze line), a porcelain veneer may be an ideal solution.

In general, suitable candidates for porcelain veneers should have good oral health. Patients with good oral health are usually excellent candidates for porcelain veneers as long as they understand that:

  1. They must maintain good oral hygiene habits after the placement of their veneers, brushing and flossing at least twice a day and after every meal and visiting our practice for regular exams and professional cleanings.
  2. Porcelain veneers are not reversible as a small amount of enamel must be removed from the teeth prior to their placement.
  3. Veneers will not respond to teeth whitening treatments. Therefore, patients may wish to undergo teeth whitening before having their veneers placed, and then have their veneers color-matched to their newly whitened teeth.